

I met longtime friends last night at a Japanese Barbecue bar "Kushi-Koubou" in Hiyoshi because a friend will move to NJ. He will leave Japan in July. I hope him to enjoy his life in NJ.
The bar was very nice, but the barbecues are very very small stuff for foreigners. However, I could not eat everything. Especially I could not eat last Ramen noodle at all. It's greasy for me.. Others could eat the noodle. I could not believe it. Why and how could they eat all??
We went to a western style bar and a karaoke shop. We really enjoy to drink and sing songs until the midnight.


Wait a Moment for Your Job Change

Have you changed your job? Yes, I have. There are still many employees in Japan have not changed any jobs. It seems beautiful, but I do not feel they might have any chances of getting many views on business or life. I could learn a lot of views in a foreign company and domestic companies. There are many views, policies and cultures.
If you're still young, I recommend you should have many kids of experiences, and you should get out of your ordinary life you think.

Japanese Title: その転職、ちょっと待った!!


Practice! Project Management

This book has only less than 160 pages, but you could learn how to deal with project managemants. I feel what I learn project management skills from books would be small like the book. It means this book scribes the essence of project management.


Hideyo Noguchi

He was a famous doctor in the world. He found out some disease-causing bacteria. I read a story of Hideyo Noguchi on the book of Phillis. He stayed an old hotel in Philadelphia. He could not get any opportunites in Japan, but he could get many good opportunities in USA. There are usual situtations in current Japan, too. I think.

Japanese Title: 野口英世 - 波乱の生涯


Parents Can Only Do Small Things For Kids

This book was re-printed three times. You can know parents can do small things for kids. Kids have to do everything by themselves. Parents can only give some opportunities and suggest somethings to do, think or feel from the opportunities because your kids are not you.

Japanese Title: 親ができるのは「ほんの少しばかり」のこと


Plague of Finacialization

This book tried to tell us all about finance, but the reasons of this title "Plague of Financialization" was not told. Now the economy situation in the States has been worse. Especially the sub-prime issue makes the world economy plunge, and so any countries must not follow to the States.
I suppose it is very easy to complain the past things. This author did not suggest anything to do in the future.

Japanese Title: 金融化の災い


Hot Cities:Dubai & London, and Control of Speech in Russia

I watched two TV seires, Hot Cities "Dubai & London" and Control of Speech in Russsia. I was impressed.
Dubai has been developed with the government policy. There are many beautiful buildings by huge oil maney, but the prices of materials and labor has been boosted. Some lack of money has been happned recently.
London has been recovered by foriegn money, especially Russia, Middle East and South Asia. Mayor of London had allowed to invest from any foriegn money and labor, but the mayor lost the election in May. The new mayor has conservative agenda of the investmants and labor from foreign countries. I thought football funs would be still the labor level, but the lowest entrance fee is over $100!! It's expensive!! There are not such expensive professional sports in Japan.
In addition, I also watched Control of Speech by the Putin administration. Russia pressures all anti-Putin policies. There was an example on the Hot Cities series. A Russia business man in London was pressured by the Russia government.
Everything goes around the world...

Japanese Tittles: 「沸騰都市 第一回ドバイ・第二回ロンドン」、「言論を支配せよ - プーチン帝国とメディア」

New Store

A new store "foodium" opened new my home yesterday. I have been at the store. The store has a large food shop. Some tall condo which has over 40 floors will be launched soon, and my town will gain population more than 10,000 people.
There are 6 delicatessen stores in my town. I hope the stores to compete each other. My most favorite store is Onoya. The store is smallest of the 6 stores, but the quality of foods is best. The second one is deli°f 【delid】 because the selection of foods is better than others.


Athletic Festival

The 50th anniversary's athletic festival in my kids' school was held today. My son belonged to the red team, and my daughter belonged to the white team. The red team won.
My daughter has broken her toe bone last week, but she won a 50 meter dash!!She was a good athlete.


Assembling Electrocity Circuit for Beiggners

A famous writer of high-tech gears "Sutapa Saito" told this book. It's very good for beginners. This book explains only one circuit. I could learn the first step for the electrocity circuit. If I have a chance, I'd like to assmble this circuit someday.

Japanese Title: つくる電子回路


The Day of Google's Extinguishment

This is the worst book I have read in my life. This author should have confirmed the truth before the book was written.
His advocacy is the reason of Google's extinguishment why Google's profits which comes from the advertisement system "Google Ads" is not on the Third Wave but on the Second Wave that Alvin Toffler described.
Please don't buy this book. I don't recommend this book at all. It's wasting your time to read this book.

Japanese Title: Googleが消える日


Nomura's Policy

Nomura who is a famous head coach of the professional baseball team in Japan. His 257 words are implemented into all kinds of jobs.

My most impressed word is "I don't retire until my spirit and body are washed up".

Japanese Title: 野村の流儀


Google's Infrastracture Technology

I could know how Google keeps the quick response for millions requests in the world. This book explained the software and hardware technologies. I could know the edge technology was developped by manual. The Google's engineers even made up the power box of the servers.
I really recommend this book to IT engineers.

Japanese Title: Googleを支える技術


Change Your Life for 30 Minutes Before Going to Bed

How should we spend 30 minutes before going to bed. If you watch TV or use the Internet or drink alcohol, you should stop them before 30minutes of going to bed. I agree with this book completely. I've done something this author told.
And I go to bed as early as possible. I get up in the early moring, and I do something in the early morning.

My routine work in the morning

1. Drinking a cup of water.
2. Walking for 40 minutes on weekdays/Cycling for 60 minutes on the weekend
3. Turing on the FM radio and listening to baroque music
4. Measuring my weight and BP
5. Checking email and SNS
6. Downloding new podcast and updating my iPod
7. Reserving books on the library site
8. Waking up kids
9. Having breakfast and reading a newspaper
10. Changing wear, go to work.

The author suggest something to do for 30 minutes before going to bed.
- Reading books or magazines
- Preparing tomorrow's clothes
- Talking with my family
- Revise what I did today. I imagine what my former teacher sugget to me when I have some troubles or problems. So he/she would say "no problem!" or "take it easy!"

Japanese Title: 「寝る前30分」で人生が変わる


High-Tech Japanese, Running Out of Engineers

I agree with this articles on NYTimes. There are less engineers and scientists in the top level of Japanese government and companies. The engineers in the Japanese companies have to work for long time under their managements who graduated from finance or law departments. The almost all managements have not graduated from any business schools.
It's terrible, isn't it? And so, no students want to go to engineering and science departments.

Breakup on 22 Years Old

I like this director's movies. I watched this movie that is based on a famous 70's song with the same title.
A 44 years-old salesman met a 22 years-old girl in a convenience store. She sang a old famous song "Breakup on 22 Years Old". The song was that the salesman gifted the song from an old girl friend on her birthday of 22 years old, and they broke up on that day. She said this song her mother's favorite song.
The salesman met the girl again at a park in the night on his way home. He saw she was lighting many candles there. He spoke to her, and they told about each other. He recognized she could be a daughter of the old girl friend....

Breakup on 22 Years Old
Only today, I can say good-bye to you.
If I touch your warm hand again tomorrow, I can't. I suppose..
I couldn't see your figure in a mirror, and I've chosen other little happiness in front of me.

I stood 22 candles on my 22nd birthday.
You said that the candles represent for your life, and we lighted from the 17th candles together. It seems like yesterday.
I have only to say that our 5 years seems too long for me who get married to other.
If you obliged only one I wanted, you must not change yourself...

Japanese Title: 22才の別れ


My Daughter Broke Toe Bone

My daughter goes to a swimming school. Shebroke her toe bone when she jumped into a swimming pool yesterday. The school put boards on the floor of the swimming pool for kids. Her toe fell into a gap of boards on jumping into the pool. It's terrible. My wife took my daughter to the orthopaedic hospital. The orthopaedist set a small retainer on her toe. She could walk slowly. But her elementary school will held an athletic festival on next Saturday. Could she do any program? Though it's the first festival for her!

Policy of Actor, Policy of Journalist and Policy of Technologist

I read an good articles on the Nikkei site as the title. This writer implemented the policy of a Kabuki actor into the policy of journalists and technologists.

  1. Don't satisfy with their performances in their life.
  2. Don't have only to listen to criticism. You must not lost themselves.
  3. You must keep young and sensitivities. If not, you would not be impressed with his stages and roles. His performance looks calculated. It's not natural.
  4. Don't think of breaking a leg. Do your best always.
  5. Don't look after others. Show yourself.
  6. Don't perform what you performed well yesterday. Perform what to do today.
  7. Be careful on your practice. Trust yourself on the real stage.
  8. Speak slower a little when you speak quickly on the stage.
  9. Let's gets started your first practice from now


Easy Natural Life Grandma Teaches

This author is the chief editor of the Nikkei Business, but she has much better natural life. She takes many seasonal foods and traditional customs into her life.
I'd like to make something to write on this book such as strawberry syrup, Japanese plum wine, dry tomato...

You can read these tips for your life on this site but it's written in Japanese...


Why Does Not Ichiro Focus on the Rate of Hits but the Number?

The answer is that Ichiro thinks it is the most important thing to keep his motivation, and so Ichiro focuses on the number of his hit. If he focused on the hitting rate, he knows he can't keep his motivation as long as possible.
It is also the most important thing to find something to keep my motivation on my job as long as possible.

Japanese Title: イチローはなぜ打率ではなくヒット数にこだわるのか


A Bound Man

Almost all japanese people don't understand Obama's situation in the States. This author explained his situation with quoting some paragraph on Obama's book "My Dream".

Obama grew up in the white family, and he had to bind himself in the black society. This author explained Obama's affliction and a willness of new era in the States or the world beyond ethnic groups.

Japanese Title: オバマの孤独


Reasons Why Kids Grow Up Self-actively

This author was a famous entertainer. She had been in NYC for 11 years in order that her husband went abroad to study. She born a son, and she reared her son in NYC. She really understand the different styles to rear from Japan and the States.

For example, a kindergaden teacher let kids think which candidates win in the presidential election.. The 4 or 5 years-old kids discussed with friends and parents, and kids voted in the kidergaden. The kids train to debate from their kindergaden period.

Japanese Title: 子どもがのびのび育つ理由


Master Killer Thinking

This author told me how to continue selling books. When he plans a new book, he also plans the second and third serisies of the book in order to sell the fisrt version as long as possible.

Method for New Idea
1.Put to other uses

He recommends this words of Shinichiro Tomonaga.
"It is a seed to think why it is, and it is a caulis to observe and consider. Finally, it is a flower to resolve."

Japanese Tiltle: このすごい思考術を盗もう!


Walking on May 11, 2008

It was rainy in the morning, but the rain stopped in the afternoon. My family had a walk from my home to Hiyoshi. It took 1 hour for 4km. There is the hospital my daughter born. I told my daughter.


Walking with a Pedometer in order to Burn Inner Fat

This author suggested to use a pedometer in order to keep walking for burning your inner fat. It looked a good idea, but I don't think so. I could not keep anything to exercise with any measuring items.
I have exercised to ride on my bicycle and have a walk for about 8 years, but any measuring items has not been necessary except a bath scale. My main purpose of exercising is to decrease my weight. I suppose many items would bring to get bored soon.

Japanese Title: 内臓脂肪がぐいぐい減る 歩数計ウォーキング

Note: Interview

I did an interview yesterday. The interviewer asked me two key questions.
One was to pick up three important things for IT in the financial institution.
1. Communication skill: IT must communicate with senior management and users accurately and quickly. IT must understand what they require.
2. Management skill: IT must manage projects with members, users and other teams, and IT must report the status to the upper management.
3. Technologies and Skills: It is essential for IT, but newest technologies would not be necessary for the financial institution. IT must adopt better matured technologies well.

The other was to pick up three my strong points.
1. Experience of Project Management for about 100 people: I know what senior management, my manager, users and my colleagues want.
2. Experience of domestic and foreign companies, and service vendor, buy-side and sell-side
3. Skills of object-oriented languages such as Java and C#, and SQL of Sybase and MS SQL server and script languages such as shells, perl and ruby.

I noted this interview for the next.


Poor Functional Banks in the Rich Country

This book's author was the representative for the Japan branch of the Standard Chartered Bank. He established the Japan branch. I see the branch every day because the branch is in Marunouchi and I walk in the front of the branch every day. The branch is very decorated and has many good arts such as painting and vases.
I'm interested in making up their systems in Japan. He didn't adopt any Japanese vendors because there were no enough systems for foreign banks. The systems were made up by their company IT team in other area. There were no issues on Kanji letters because their systems had already implemented double-byte characters for China and Hong Kong. Japanese IT professional must compete against other countries' IT professional. We must brush up ourselves more.

Japanese Title: 富める国の貧しい銀行


Learn "JUDO" - Tough Roads to Gold Medal in Beijign'08

This report was gone on air on the public television on May 5th 2008. I played Judo from 8 years old to 16 years old.
There are many kinds of martial arts in the world. These martial arts has been mixed into Judo in the Europe. The top Europe players match every week, and so new "JUDO" has been popped.
Ishii who is the Japanese representative of Beijing'08 read a book of Ichiro. Ichiro told him it must be very significant to adjust himself for new or different situations quickly. This words are very important for me on my business. New technologies or skills are innovated in the world. I must adjust myself these situations rapidly. I paused to realize the important words from this program.

Japanese Title: JUDOを学べ 日本柔道金メダルへの苦闘


Good Weather for a Walk

It was fine but windy a little today. It's a good weather for a walk.
My kids and I went for a walk from my home to Jiyugaoka. It took about 2 hours for 5.5km, included in 2 coffee breaks. My family doesn't have any automobiles, and so we have to walk on outing. It's my policy in order to keep our healthy boy and save much money.

Kalashnikov : The Gun that Changed the World

As you may know, He innovated AK-47 as the most famous gun in the world. He was born in the small farmer home. He was sent to Siberia on his childhood. He survived his hard young age. His young age's story was interesting.
He was secret in the USSR though he is a congressional representative. So there had been less books or information at that time.

Japanese Title: カラシニコフ自伝


BBQ @ Tamagawa Riverside

My family went to the Tamagawa Riverside Park and had a BBQ lunch. There were many families and groups to enjoy BBQ, too. My kids ate meat and vegetables very much. After the BBQ lunch, my kids played hide-and-seek and jump-rope, and caught small butterflies and fishes with a net.


The Face Behind Facebook

I watched this documentary of the CBS's 60 minutes. The CEO of facebook was really young. He is only 23 years old but he is a billonaire!!
The Facebook is very convenient, needless to say. However there are less Japanese people on Facebook. Almost all Japanese people use SNS join into mixi.jp. The mixi is very popular in Japan, but very, very minor in the world because mixi is written in Japanese language only. Japan has still closed the country in spite of the Internet age.

In addition, I didn't know CBS had broadcasted the 60 minutes on the Internet. There are less programs of the Japanese massmedia because the copyright issues have not been still resolved in Japan. japane is really a backward country on the Internet.


Movie Workshop for Kids @ Apple Store Shibuya

Today my son took the Movie Wrokshop for Kids at the Apple Store Shibuya. My daughter had already took other one in April. This special workshops are sometimes held. My son has been interested in video technologies. This workshop were suitable for my son. My son enjoyed this workshop really.

Apple gifted DVD my son took the movie and this good T-shirts to my son and me!

Intelligent Methods of Reading

This author reads 3,000 books a year. So he reads about 90 books everyday. It's amazing. He told us how we should read with the following good methods.
  1. There are two main purposes of reading. One is to enjoy reading. the other is to research. Essays and nobles are to enjoy. Business books are to research. Historical nobles biographies are for both.
  2. Enjoying processes on reading nobles. Picking up important things on reading business books.
  3. You mind to read rapidly.
  4. The most important point of studying and researching is not to read thoroughly. You should read the book three times rapidly, and you must pick up only important things.
  5. Pay costs for books. You will not meet your favorite books later, you should buy them soon on finding suitable books.
  6. You could satisfy with only 10% of books you have read. You could have good eyes for books after you read many dull books.
  7. Read many books on one genre.
  8. Read all books of one author.
  9. Don't read all of a dull book. It's wasting your time.
  10. Gift the books you're impressed. The person will be pleased to you.
However, I was impressed with one method that his friend argued against a book his friend was reading.

Japanese Title: インテリジェンス読書術


Imperial Garden & Science Museum

I made sandwiches and my family went to the Imperial Garden, but it was rainy. My family went to the Science Museum soon. My family ate the sandwiches at the museum cafeteria. I looked forward to enjoynig the holiday lunch at the garden...
There are many scientific and technological amusements. My kids enjoyed flight, car driving and crane simulations. Entering into a large soap bubble impressed for my daughter.

Location names in Japanese: 皇居東御苑 & 科学技術館


How Many of Me

There are nobodies with my name in the States. There are about 2800 people with my last name in the States.

LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?


Philies 10,000th Loss

Philies lost 10,000th game. This Japanese author told the history of both Philadelphia and Philies. It's a world record of all sports. If you want to achive 10k losses, it take 100 years when you lose 100 games a year!! That's great!! The author was impressed with the Phillies fun because any team would be panushed for a several years if the teams has lost 100 games a year. However, Philiies fun has supported for 125 years!!

Japanese Title: 大リーグ・フィリーズ10,000敗


Family with a Small Income Becomes Fat

The Japanese society has Americanized, and so a family with a small income has become fat. It's truth. They always eat cheap foods with high calories quickly, and they don't exercise at all.
This author recommend that an obese people has only to walk and eat low calory foods slowly.

Japanese Title: 下流は太る

Checkpoints of "Family with a Small Income Becomes Fat"
  • Is your annual income(JPY) ten times less than your age?
  • Are you tired of anything?
  • Unmarraged?
  • Do you have meals alone?
  • Do you prefer anything to eat with one hand?
  • Don't you have meals at the same time?
  • Don't you eat fresh meals?
  • Do you always use any cars or motercycles?
  • Don't you have any sex partner?