
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution

Thomas L. Friedman wrote the million seller book "The World Is Flat". He writes this new book that tells the earth is HOT (climate change), the world is FLAT (globalization) and the people are CROWDED (population issue). We've faced on this issue since 1973 when the first oil crisis was happened. However, I forget the issues soon. I want to live more comfortable, happier and cheaply though they will happen large crisis for my next generations. Geniuses will be born and the heros will help the earth and my next generations...
However, I threw away my own car 10 years ago. I and my family take public transportations. I change all lights at home to compact fluorescent lamps or LED. How do I do anything for the Earth and my next generations?


The Author's Presentation: Part.1



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